Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Week 36 - July 1, 2013

Buenos Dias Familia!

I guess we should all take note that it is the first of July and I can't believe it!  I feel like Hermana Mitchell and I were just talking about how we couldn't believe it was June and now is gone!  Time is a funny thing on the mission.  Today is my new mission President's first day.  We will get to meet him and his wife on Wednesday.  We are going up to the Las Cruces to have a little get-to-know-the-president meeting.  It should be fun, but it will be sad to see the other Millers go.

We have had a really great, but hard week.  Bikes are hard!  Bikes in skirts are hard!  Bikes in skirts in heat is super hard!  :)  But we made it through.  I think it was Wednesday that we had dinner in our apartment.  I just fell on the couch and Hermana Mitchell thought it was funny enough to take a picture of my dead fish flop!  On Saturday after a really long day we were sitting in our room and we decided to listen to some music.  I just hit play and the first line of the song that played was "I ache"  we both busted up laughing.  It was the best song for us!  The message of the song is how we can rely on the Savior and that he lives, so it really was a beautiful song, but that first line just really hit home in that moment. :)  Some other things that make biking hard is that you are riding around outside and then you hit this wall of BBQ and you're mouth just starts to water and you get massive cravings for some home cooked BBQ!  hehe  It's really funny because whoever is leading on the bikes gets hit by the wall first so you have this 5 second period to brace yourself against the wall of smelly deliciousness!

The family we are teaching is still doing well.  This week we taught the kids the song I am a Child of God.  They loved it!  During the first 10 minutes of the lesson the two 7 year old twins were singing softly together to practice.  When we left, the mom was rocking her 2 month old baby singing her the song as well.  It was one of the sweetest things I have seen on my mission.

We also had a miracle story this week.  Normally on Monday we have Zone activities or do things on our own, but we were told to have a district P-day.  So our district decided to play board games.  We tried to find a place to play closer than the church, but nothing would work and we almost decided not to go, but in the end we ended up going to the church.  We hadn't been there very long because we only were on the third or fourth go around the board for monopoly when a lady popped her head into the room.  We asked if she was looking for something and she asked if we were the only ones here.  We said yes and I asked if there was anything we could do for her.  She said she just needed some one to talk to.  My companion and I instantly jumped up and walked out to the foyer and we ended up talking for almost 2 hours with her.  She is a member who hasn't been to church in over 10 years and is going through a hard time.  She said she had received an email from her mother a few months back about some missionaries in Montana trying to track her down.  She said she called the church building about a month ago and no one answered, so she just left it at that.  She was driving home when she passed the church building and she felt like she should go inside.  I know that it was no accident that us missionaries decided to play games at the church building.  On any other Monday she would not have found anyone at the church building at that time and this was the first time we had ever come to the church building on a Monday.  We were able to talk to her and give her the numbers for her bishop.  It was a miracle.  Then two days later she called us and told us that her 10 year old son who has had a hole in his heart since he was a baby went to the doctor and the hole is gone.  She was so happy and relieved and we were so excited for her.  Then the elders told us that she came to church yesterday and that she and her son are very excited to get involved in scouts and that the ward was really welcoming.  Heavenly Father knows all of his children and it is so interesting that it happened the day after the broadcast too.  Well I hope everyone has a great week!  I love you lots!

Les Quiero Mucho!
Hermana Klaus

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